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After disguise, the time of cohabitation is not even half an hour, but for many people, it also goes up to an hour. However, such a condition is called delayed ejaculation problem. In your case, you reach the limit more quickly. If you want to prolong this period then that is also possible. If you want immediate benefits, then allopathic medicines are available in the market, such as dipoxitin -60 mg. Take one tablet of it with a glass of water one hour before sex. More . For most people, this ejaculates quick ejaculation and increases the duration of mating.

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In reality, the time of cohabitation should be such that your partner gets complete satisfaction. If not found, you should satisfy your partner in other ways. Sage Vatsyayana says that if one is not able to enjoy cohabiting or reaching the climax in the normal way to his partner, then he should give his wife the use of panimanthan or masturbation, auperitikam or blowjobs or profanity or artificial sex. Saint In reality, the act of cohabitation is called intercourse in Sanskrit, which means both partners have equal enjoyment. If dipoxitin pill does not work, then other pills are also replaced. For example, a tablet of 10 to 25 mg of clomipromine should be taken with water only once a day for 8 hours before mating. However, many people may feel sleepy, intoxicated and dry mouth with this pill.

If someone wants to get permanent treatment then there are other remedies for that. For example, Vajroli and Yoga in Yoga Helps in late mating. Exercise also called tubococcuscius, if done regularly, can be beneficial in 8 to 12 weeks. One can also learn this method from doctors or internet.

Apart from this, according to the Unani system, if people with early ejaculation have a habit of urinating intermittently while urinating, then the time of mating can also be increased. They believe that the brain does not understand whether urination is going on or semen. The brain feels that only some fluid is coming out. Practice these postures By doing so, control comes in the urine; similarly, control will also come in semen ejaculation.

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As far as the average time of cohabitation is concerned, one can understand it with an example. Such as the normal body temperature is called 98.4 degrees. But, if you measure ten men, then the result will probably be found in only one. So as the temperature does not have an average, it is also a matter of cohabitation time. Yes, this time should be such that your partner gets satisfaction. Other ways if sex is not satisfied Satisfy your partner, because the important thing is satisfaction, not a long time of sexual intercourse. With the use of medicine, you come to the level at which you want to reach. However, that level should also be a rational level. Half an hour or an hour cannot be considered rational or necessary. If your partner is satisfied in 5 minutes, then that much time is enough.

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